New Domain, LLC offers a wide range of services geared towards assisting clients with their real property needs including residential redevelopment, commercial repositioning, retail sales, mortgage loan origination, and notary public.

Every property has its own character, purpose, and energy. New Domain, LLC's designers and project managers focus on making the best decisions for their project properties. Sellers wishing to quickly unload their difficult properties contact us first because we help remake their properties into the best version possible while providing a quick and easy exit from the financial drain often associated with those difficult properties.

Business and commercial spaces routinely need to be updated to reflect the changing needs of the community and business owners. New Domain, LLC's designers, contractors, and project managers focus on aligning businesses and properties with their highest and best use often revitalizing the neighborhood and community in the process.

Some clients do not need their residential or commercial properties updated. These clients simply need professionals with decades of experience to guide them through the complex sale transaction. Clients contact our agents first because they want their transaction to go as smoothly as possible, and they want to feel confident that their closing profits will not be lost due to exposures to unforeseen future issues.

Home ownership is a cornerstone of the American Dream and we love helping our communities actualize their dreams. We customize a borrower's experience to find lending solutions that align with their current circumstances and their visions for the future.
Most people use other people's money to purchase real estate. The process for securing financing for a real estate transaction can be difficult to navigate. Our mortgage loan originators are affiliated with investors who fund loans for borrowers who often fail to qualify for traditional bank loans or have special considerations or requirements. Cash-out refinancing options are also available for most borrowers as well. ​

New Domain, LLC offers notary services both in our office and throughout our local Southern California community. We employ years of knowledge and experience to make sure your documents are handled with attention to detail and the utmost care. We pride ourselves in being reliable and flexible and understand the importance of getting your documents notarized in a timely and thorough manner. We are a member of the National Notary Association and hold a current Notary Signing Agent Certification.
At New Domain, LLC, we embrace a Japanese business philosophy called Kaizen, meaning "good change". Kaizen promotes the continual refinement of all business practices and is based on the principles of evolution and innovation. By its nature, real estate is not continually improved (imagine living in a home with a wall that moved every week!), but New Domain, LLC honors the principles of Kaizen by transforming real estate properties to best reflect current needs while imbuing each project with timeless style. We turn mud into pay dirt, hoards into homes, and commercial spaces into community hubs.

Adam Littig

Amber Newell

Wanna Littig